Saturday, February 10, 2007

Venus, Human Birth to the Plains of North Dakota

07 by T : Eyes in the Pine T Beauty_and_the_beast

A few fun stories to relate this morning…………and some news.

Fun Story the First says:

- I started my new job had to be there at 8:30 (!) and then had to stuff cold hamburger into plastic bags and seal them. Not so much fun, but the job looks like a winner thus far. Lowest paying job I've had since I was, uh, like a teenager.

My salary lies between seven and eight dollars an hour.

Of course I'm not going to tell you what my salary is exactly? How dare you even wonder?

their sex life, early childhood traumas, whatever. Ask people anything and they usually Not that you did. But isn't it odd- peculiar even- that folks 'll be yappin about anything-want to please, try to please.

Now, ask them how much money they're worth…………….

Oops! Awkward! I asked a cashier what she makes an hour and she looked at me like I was an asshole man. Not a word. So I started guessing, just to be a Dick.

“Nine?………….nine-fifty? Ah, c'mon, it's gotta be eighy-fifty huh.? Oh, c'mon just tell me………………not ten! Is it ten?…….”

The whole while she's turning slightly red. Tight-lipped, scanning away, and looking trapped back there. Yes; clearly very tense.………as if this couldn't be more outrageous.

Yet, she seemed to be enjoying herself, strangely! Ah, taboos………..

We're weird. Humans are weird.

Fun Story the Second States:

So then, I found this old coupon for the Grove Park Spa. This is big; worth a hundred bucks, cold cash. Haunted daily- the bored, the rich and the beautiful. Now, me. They laid five of those coupons on me five years ago for playing a gig there; lost one.

Found one. So, I'm there, beautiful day with a wind scoured, empty sky, golden sunshine, and all the mountains crowded 'round that horizon. Lot's of great pools, and a wet sauna with a cold plunge that rocked my world- but now I'm hangin' with some homies poolside. For the whole sunset thing.

You know how it is.

Four people and me out there. We avoid the camera line, light up- strangers all, and then- wow! flaming in the west just then, (and every evening right now- look just after sunset in a western sky near you.) This night Venus was joined with Uranus. I could see the pair- I even brought some Nikons.

Now, so happens that one cool couple with which I hang are not only madly in love, but- it's both their birthdays to boot. And one of the women in the other couple as well. Aquarians all; 'Water Bearers' in the pool communing (Venus)- a Venus even now- on their very birthday itself- (conjunct far-away Uranus- which, get this- rules Aquarius)- all up there blazing away in the cold sky and us in all that warm water.

Venus is Love. And when we all awed at Venus in the sky, a Great Blue Heron flapped right overhead in the dusk.

Satisfied in my soakings, I dropped unexpectedly at my bud Chris's house. I didn't really know why- I was tired, and had just hung out the day before with the man. But I did.

Guess what- unbeknownst beforehand- it's his birthday too!!

So, 4 out of the 5 folks I've been hanging with all evening. Birthdays all. Venus conjunct Uranus. Unexpected connections. Got that one right!

Cooler than shit.
Now I'm housesitting in Celo. Way up in the woods. With no moto-cell phone. Think it's lost for good this time! So, no new motos but whatever. I'll come up with somethin'- take that to the bank, friend!

Bread and Circuses :

Humans presented with the unexplained. Two parts.

Part one: The Stoners on the Beach

Part two: Not much going on in North Dakota…………..Whaaaaaa?

Hang in there with part ii- he doesn't see anything for 5 minutes, but it's worth the wait. The guys reaction is cool- and the Stoners, well, Dude: ………………….you shoulda been there. So freaking there.

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