Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mind, Structivetuousness, and OF: You Tricky Bastard


No, seriously, count them again. Be careful. It's kind of tricky! Because if you didn't get 6, you counted wrong, Bucko.

Yes, I know you'll say they're are only 3 'F's in that sentence. This sentence by the way:


But sadly- as a bit of evidence most evidenciary as to my limited cognitive skills- there are indeed 6 'F's there.

That's all I have to report, here, that sometimes the human mind can not see something that is right before it's face, when it's conditioned not to. If we're not working on de-constructing our conditioning, what the hell are we doing? Constructing more constructions?

Nothing against constructures- I'm all for nice shit and all. But to be constructive, sometimes we have to be de-constructive. Destructive only to what is not constructive. (think Jesse Jackson here) Either way, reality manifests totally-even almost massive- what I like to call structivestuff, jam packed with structivity. Especially high levels of……………………. structitiousness.

Which is what the world is before it makes it's mind up to get stupid, and gets all one sided and particular and ornery. Which it will, I suppose, says I sitting here wide blogging awake at the pre-dewy hour of 5 a.m., sharp.

But 5 a.m. doesn't really need to be 'sharp', n'est pas? Soft would be good……….Let's say 5 a.m. shouldn't be, as a rule, sharp., as a matter of fact? Shall we? Yet, in spite of or because of or both, sharpness of mind at 5 a.m. is quite pristine, when it exists at all. This morning as the sky grew slowly brightning to the east I watched from the porch. Wild turkeys up in the pasture; crows gathering in a pine. A big great blue heron flapped by, majestically. I looked up at the bedroom window where I used to sleep, and Kimberly was still there but I was not. It was like looking at myself, back in the mystery and dusks of time itself. Yin in yin- a January dawn. But each day, growing a bit longer. Just a bit.

Got a job today! I mean yesterday! At a cool little grocery store, the Grove Market. I like the vibe- kind of wabi-sabi, if I know what I mean.

Later and out,


PS OK ………… which of you got 3 'F's and really don't believe there are 6? Did you count the 'F's in the word 'OF' which appears thrice? Huh? Did ya??? Punk?

I didn't think so.

No, seriously, if you counted all six write me and tell me how you did that……….. Genius.. I feel totally chagrined I only found 3……….


– for the Surreal I give you David Lynch. Don't even try to understand this video.

—for the mundane, I give you Weather. From a trailer park. So you know it could be twisters. Perhaps one of the most poorly shot videos of weather I've ever seen, with this guy- I'm guessing here- waving the camera around in the face of Immensity and Chaos Herself like he'd seen the Devil. And maybe he has. And She is a Fox.

And he stood out there, on dangerous, blood-contested ground, and the man simply filmed. Just to be brave. Then posting it on YouTube. Just to be.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Our Forgotten Dignity


If you were raised like me, the world has somehow turned out a very different place than you were led to believe. Maybe stranger than you can believe- bet on it Pal. I'm continually stupefied at what us humans are figuring out, stumbling across or just generally tripping on or over. What an incredible gift to be alive in this time, despite or because of the high and desperate stakes we all face. But aint nobody gettin' out alive anyway- Nerd-Think notwithstanding- might as well relax.

Here are a few trends in understanding the world these days. I'll try to link to something so you don't think I'm just whistling Dixie. Although in addition to presenting these paradigm shattering theories, I am indeed whistling Dixie, or some similar air. Must be the seroquel- I haven't felt this mellow in oh, I don't know- 47 years or so.

Here we go. Unhitch your safety collar. Take your protein-pill and lit's time to leave the capsule, if you dare:

We are fundamentally alone in the universe, life is an incredibly rare chance event, and if there are other beings, the vast reaches of space preclude interaction with said beings.

Maybe not so much. Francis Crick, the guy who discovered DNA (while tripping on acid no less!!!), reached the conclusion that DNA could not have developed on Earth. Not enough time. Now it appears that what has been called 'junk', or non-coding, some are now saying that so called junk DNA is actually extraterrestrial DNA.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Plus, the view of modern physics is making it clear that advanced beings can probably fold, bend, and otherwise fuck with the space time continuum as to appear magical to us- as all technology above our heads will dazzle us and seem, unreal. Impossible. This theory fits the facts- human beings have long witnessed beings who possess this ability. (BTW, the O'Hare UFO story is wild- The Chicago Tribune article has had more hits than any other Tribune story in history. This is the Tribune, folks. Plus, here's a great vid showing how establishment science is beginning to cede that this is is real- watch this guy- they argue with the 'little green men' conclusion, which is fine. Nobody knows what these' things' are. One more great vid here with some preening but cool news guy and the Tribune reporter who broke it, chatting before an interview on camera- then doing the interview itself.

(sorry to be redundant, regular readers- but this story is too good.)

Human civilization is a recent thing.

Not so fast. The evidence here seems to point to some kind of very advanced culture on earth, destroyed by a world wide cataclysm somewhere around 10,000 years ago. For one thing, most cultures around the world speak of this in legend and myth. The Great Pyramid of Giza is a living testament to this culture- an unbelievable feat that arguably could not be done today. Clearly, advanced mathematical, astronomical and technical skills were there, in spades- and dig this, the Great Pyramid was an early Egyptian structure.

Went downhill from there- now, how can a culture start at the top? Like cars started in 1908 with the Lexus hybrid sport utility, and now we have model Ts.

Doesn't make sense. Must have been something before, something big. Here's the website of Dr. Robert Schoch and Dr. Collette Dowell. He's a Boston University professor who's been at the forefront of solid, open minded research. And here's Graham Hancock's as well. Good stuff for the curious.

Life ends with physical death. You only live once.

Yes, there is good evidence for reincarnation. Not proof exactly, but very solid anecdotal evidence- tons of it. I give you Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia.

Plus, it's the only way the universe makes much sense- why were you born in a good family while another child is born to a child abuser? It's either random, a chance universe, or there is a deeper logic. Reincarnation makes great sense to this end. Take your pick.

The Hopi are a bunch of dumb-fuck Indians living on a rock.

Not true- the Hopi are a buch of dumb-fuck Indians living on a mesa, not a 'rock'. And actually, they're not so dumb. they consider themselves pipe-holders, peace holders, of the human race. Here's their record on prophesy. They're just human, but I feel the Hopi are the holders of a vital wisdom for the world's needs today. Like the Tibetans, half a world away.

Black Elk's Great Vision can be read here- as pertinent today as it was 150 years ago.

Okee doke. Hope y'all are doin' alright out there……………..another recent moto above, just another moment in the midst of time and space.

Also, if you like people who happen to be extremely gay, watch this.

If you're digging the whole Secret Commonwealth angle, here's a cool vid- mostly, if not all, fake, but a great slide show.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Children of Men


Saw the new film 'Children of Men' last night.

Whoaaa……. Maybe the most important flim of the decade. That and An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore (oh please run oh please please please!) Not so much that it's a brilliant artistic statement, although it has plenty of that. Not in it's wonderment, it's vision, it's tetherless dream of human potential, although it's got that too. Underneath.

Well hidden.

The film is set 20 years in the future. And what really creeped me out, after I crept carefully home in driving rain and read a few reviews, is that many of the critics simply seem to assume that this is, indeed, our future in some basic sense! They never say 'possible' or 'alternate'. It's almost as folks, unconsciously, just sort of accept this as our fate; a world torn between Security State Fascism, terrorists, hard core fundamentalist religious cults, and masses of hungry, dirty people in degraded and degrading environment.

That's what spooked me the most- the way people just seem to accept this. God we've been trained well- to be passive and well-numbed or at least kept so busy there's no time for contemplation.

Yeah. Well, this film will give you a vision of that world. Where women cannot give birth (did you know that male fertility rates are plunging in the western world?

Did you know that autism, a developmental problem where a kid cannot relate to people or his environment, was found in 1 in 10,000 births in 1995.

The rate now?

1 in 166 births. Mostly boys. Think about this. A syndrome ony found in industrialized environments. No one knows exactly why. A syndrome that presents as the very caricature of the the Masculine out of balance. Heads are literally bigger- no one knows why. Minds often brilliant at mathematical skill, yet utterly unable hold, to hug, to look deeply into another's eyes and relax. At all. Babylon- the Tower run amok. One guy who loved and made it a loving place.

You might not want to know these things.

What are we going to say, looking back? We're seeing every kind of brain related disorder skyrocket- bipolar, OCD, ADD, autism, depression, anxiety disorders. Skyrocket- and not just because they're only now being diagnosed correctly. If they are, which they are not- but they are being recognized with a growing sense of dread and greed in the psychiatric world.

All these disorders point to one thing- the Head. the Head is screaming it's, well, head off. We, as a culture, are sick in the head. Caught in it. Conditioned by it. Commanded with it. Through every TV, every multi-task event.

Because the head is overwhelmed; stressed out every day as we grapple to answer our cell in varied traffic. We are forced to conceptualize every query, including security, survival issues- we have to think about them- or deny them out of overload- because we think that only thinking will do. Deemed 'Reality' in our Book- the only one that really matters.

I'm all for good thinking. Putting the cart behind the horse.

So, I ask because I don't want to live in such a world, and if you do, god bless but could you go somewhere else?

Like, uh, really, really soon?

So, I'm doing all too much thinking myself. I'm going outside, and try to put my money where my mouth is. The clouds still blow through a windy blue sky out there. and the birds still sing, the flowers bloom…………

Which is pretty freakin' weird- it's January for crissakes!

Anyway, a line in the film said it all, in terms of our time.

“Keep her close to you”

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Teeth Lost and Found

Teeth Lost and Found


Student: Would you say that unconditional confidence is the same as tenderness?

Chogyam Trungpa: Yes, very much so. The unconditional confidence is the pragmatic aspect of that tenderness. It is the action arising from the softness. It is just like watching the sun rise. First, it is very feeble and one wonders whether it will make it. And then it shines and shines. Confidence is not arrogance or pride or anything like that. Confidence is a natural unfolding process. It's not a question of needing confidence or not needing it. It's naturally there.

From “Basic Goodness,” a talk

Unconditional confidence is also known as the 'Lion's Roar' in Tibetan tradition. The notion that throughout all of our lives, every single bit of 'reality' is essentially, can be boiled down to, a moment to moment experience that we can't hang on to. Trying to hang on to what does not exist (for more than a moment anyway) creates fear and confusion. The bravery of learning to accept things-as-they-are. We don't want things-as-they-are; we want things-as-we'd-like-them-to-be. Moslty for me anyway.

Good luck with that one. It's been tried before- this attempt to grasp and hold on, with only sporadic and temporary positive results; that even when so dearly bought, then must be guarded. Knowing that sooner or later, it will be stolen/broken/shat on. As all things must pass on, give up the ghost and thouroughy kick the bucket. Fuck it.

Trusting the 'feeble' feeling of tenderness, not knowing. Care free and on-the-spot. Can I do this? Yes. Will I? I hope so, more and more.

After reading my blogs written through the fall for the first time, I've dropped the book idea like a large, poisonous snake. For now- maybe I have a book in me but Eyes in the Pine is too all over the place. Reading them for the first time was fun for me, and if you want to check one out from September, easy reading, I'm in a country flea market in Savanah, Tennessee- try this.

So, I've decided to blog Eyes in the Pine for my own amusement, letting go of any 'high concept' of anything, or some Utopian bullshit. Or preachy screed. I hope you'll enjoy as you see fit, and feedback is always welcome. Hell, I'll post something of yours if ya want. Even anonymously; Eyes in the Pine can keep a secret!

I go pick up my lithium today. After all these years, I'm tagged as bipolar II rapid cycle style. I've been pretty hypo-manic for 6 months. Not crazy, not delusional (well sure we are sort of don't you think?!) but now I need to find some middle ground, a human realm. Heaven and Hell are great places to visit, and trust me I've spent a lot of time in both of late, but I wouldn't want to live in either one. Earth is better, but it is a knarly, rocky son of a bitch! But I love it in spite of that, or because of that……… Teeth come loose; whether jarred by door jambs or just pushed slowly out of the way. New ones cuttin' on in. Gotta move, you got to move. Cutting through. The veils of our own illusions, vanities, self-concern, on a good day. We gotta eat, rip and tear something, and somebody's got to die all that hunger. The deer, the fox, and the largely ignored and forgotten death of moles, beetles and all the ants I killed as a 4 year old mini-monster with a magnifying glass on a sidewalk sunny afternoon. Yikes.

Yes, death don't have no mercy, Including me, but I do want to stick around long enough to see this amazing time in human history, this Freak Show, the classis Pas De Duex. Or whatever; it's quite a Show is my point here. So what if it's scary and painful along the trail; that seems to be one of the points. Learn from that shit. In short, I'll take your damn lithium, Doctor X, and may it be a blessing.

Enjoy the freakish weather!

Above moto of Abby, my friend Beth's 5 year old. We think she's going to Broadway, seriously. She lost her first tooth while I was visiting, and I'm thankful I got to see that.

Also, a few new motos leaking through

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Medium Strange

After posting my previous entry this morning- my somewhat usual mix, provocative, clever, pretentious. I had a moment, like o.k………………what am I up to here? What are we up to? Because Eyes in the Pine was never simply my own notion, writ large. But a collaborative effort. With persons, if they can be deemed as such, of a glimpsed and felt nature.

Which of course, is what Eyes in the Pine is all about- the fact as I see it that we can all learn to tune into the 'energetic' world, in addition- not substitution- to the 'ordinary' or 'material' world. The Second Attention. Intuition is a word perhaps more familiar.

And by 'material' world, I'm tossing concepts onto the boat. We think too much, ruminate too obsessively. Since this is a collective thing, we tend not to notice. How trapped we are in our heads. How miserable, hiding so much and pretending to be happier than we are.

The good news is that we don't have to be miserable. But it takes real effort and guts. First, you stop hiding it. A sense of 'what have I got to lose?' We're all going to be dead in 50 years anyway. Why play comfort short term always at the expense of growth long term? Not to mention that I believe that for us to survive, well anyway, we're going to need a large scale transformation- one of consciousness, primarily. More of us need to wake up to our own connections, waiting for us to discover. If we would but ask and ask sincerely.

Jung said that the imagination is the “royal road to the unconscious”. The primer of the pump that brings life up from the Underworld and draws it down from the Heavens above. We can learn to alter our states of awareness and tune in to……… much. Feel our bodies and know, feel, what the Earth is telling us. Right now. A leader in your own way.

Joining Heaven and Earth. Body, Heart and Head. We can do that, and there's no strict formula. It's creative, unique, and totally individual. You just ask the Universe, over and over to lead you that way even at the expense of your dearly bought 'comfort' (and oh it will be I can almost assure you) and then simply Pay Attention. Follow the cues without 'knowing'; notice synchronicity. Or learn to, with meditation or body work, power plants or really good sex with someone you love. Something.

Nature is good for this.

But when I went to Her for guidance last summer, I got the message, very strongly, and mirrored in every conventional science as well these days, that we're in very, very serious trouble around here, and we better fess up to what we'll tell ourselves on our Death Beds.

About how we failed to act like adults, responsible fucking Adults.

Yes, I'm trying to shame you and us all. Because sometimes shame has it's place.

But enough of the shame, we've done the guilt to death. Guilt is the grinding edge between empathy and narcissism. We know which way to go.

O.K. Shame and guilt were fine but troublesome and now it's time to move on. I want to do my part, and Eyes in the Pine does too. But I don't want to browbeat and fume. And besides, honestly I think it's already too late. I'd rather spend my last years on this planet enjoying the beauty what's left of Her and storing those images in my soul and to others- than run around in a anxious haze. If we're going to hell in a Handbucket, at least I'm going to enjoy the Ride. Fuck it. Life goes on; it's a Jungle in Here people. Big Universe. Real big.

I mean gimongus. Really huge.

Some ambivalence on my part with all this? You bet. More than some. That's why it's this blog and not some Other.

BTW, since I cover the Liminal, the Shadowy as all things unknown are to us, I must report a big UFO story breaking in- get this- the national news. Chicago Tribune piece linked here, written by a well- respected guy, Jon Hilkevitch. Surprising many people. Seen by pilots and workers at O'Hare airport in November. Shot up after hovering and left a freakin' hole in the low cloud ceiling. No, seriously, check this out and also the airports lame 'explanation'. I'm tellin' ya people- the governments of France, Russia, Japan and Brazil are starting to open up case files and blow open the whole issue. The O'Hare sighting is hard to dismiss, and the cat's already almost out of the bag. FYI. The same intelligences that are warning us about the Planet, with higher profile results, apparently. And if you haven't watched Out of the Blue, check it. There are hundreds of military eye-witnesses ready to testify- but they need legal amnesty due to security clearance issues.

Don't let the Ridicule Factor keep you from enjoying one of the most amazing stories of all time- the the lid's coming off more and more. If you need a reason check it out, dig: The UFO topic blows a hole in the secrecy and the selfish motives of parts of our government, and I guess I daresay of ourselves. The fact that we'd just rather not deal with troubling realities! But remember what Jung said- the way out is always through.

Stay Tuned- but I promise I won't obsess on it!

Above Moto: The Others??? If you dare…………..