Monday, March 12, 2007

Goddesses of Tennessee


Been traveling a bit, out over the mighty Smokeys to a town called Knoxville, Tennessee. I've had dealings in recent times with the good folks of Tennessee and have warmed to a genuine attachment to the place. Or is it a state of Mind? A lot of songwriters living in Tennessee………is it mere coincidence that the word Tennessee rolls off the tounge like good whiskey? I think not.

I dove Goto, my favorite car in the world, out there yesterday at five. We went on at like midnight, and there were a gazillion acts, mostly young local women in their early to mid twenties- a lot of them in a sort of quiet pagan resurgence, a soothing rebellion. . Belly dancing, in it's often middle class unintended way, like horse back riding is a quick ticket to the instinctual, ah, belly center. Just where more of us could use some focus. Pulls you into feeling, out of the hegemony of the Head.

The place, called the Grotto and it was very cave like and mysterious; it was packed.

And we rocked. I'm new to middle eastern music, I just jumped in the deep end and swam for it and got swallowed by thankful whales enough salty times to make it a memorable night out at sea in Tennessee.

Then a hard night on a cold floor- but this place was a self-secret shrine to the Goddess, an artesian bounty channeling through banks both riverly and mundane. I felt a good strong energy there in Knoxville, and am glad as an Eyes in the Pine special report it can be stated plainly that the Goddess is well in Tennessee, parts anyway, and she is not plain, oh no, in any of her guises that walk among, and as, us right here on the earth.

This was the shrine in the Gypsy Hands building, slanted floors and the whole thing shaped like a hand that longs to hold.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Handbook to Happiness


I used to live up in Madison, Wisconsin. It was so cold! Before I left Virginia I couldn't imagine how anyone could live up there. Then I lived there and it was so cold I couldn't imagine how anyone could live up there.

I got kicked out of school (why I ventured North at all). Living as a punk/hippie hybrid, I favored a walk way out on the frozen Lake Mendota, way way out crunch crunch crunch crunch until Madison was just a dream, a mirage in the Northern dusk. The lake ice would groan and crack, ping and sing.

I was plenty awake, then.

Once I trudged a down-laden trail into a hard steady gale, at night, away and out.

It was very, very cold. But I was longing, and numb to cold that night. I wanted to find something, I wanted to leave this world and find another that I could feel but not find. The beer can froze to my hand. I kept walking.

I found nothing- just dark, and wind, and ice, and the cold. But it was enough, and the sheer elemental force of that lake world and Winter Ice-burned the city-sleep away and I stood reborn…………….

…………………and turned around, now with that wind pacing at my back. After an hour of frozen tears. I started to run towards the warming city glow, and realized that the surface of the lake was wind blown such as lakes will be, and there was a pattern- 20-40 feet of smooth black ice, then a couple feet of snow drift, crusty and low. I could get a few steps of purchase on the snow, and Wheeeeeeeeeeee a 20 foot glide, two quick steps on the next snow patch and Wheeeeeeeeeeeee, a thirty foot glide, on an on, all the way back to town.

With a 30 mile an hour gale at my back.

Yeah, it was fun. Back then I had this book by Ken Keyes, “Handbook to Happiness” with gems like

“You add as much suffering to the world in taking offense as giving it”.

Stuff like that, good stuff and I loved that book.

So, when I saw these Ten Steps to Happiness yesterday (thanks Kate) I remembered that book and the Lake and the ice all as a piece of everything this morning, so here they are. And I have to say is memorize these suckers or stick 'em on the fridge or freeze each one in a separate cube in the ice tray.

Then pray for hot weather. They do promise relief! Here they are! All bone-fide and boiled down to basics!

The 10 steps to happin

Plant something and nurture it
Count your blessings - at least five - at the end of each day
Take time to talk - have an hour-long conversation with a loved one each week
Phone a friend whom you have not spoken to for a while and arrange to meet up
Give yourself a treat every day and take the time to really enjoy it
Have a good laugh at least once a day
Get physical - exercise for half an hour three times a week
Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger at least once each day
Cut your TV viewing by half
Spread some kindness - do a good turn for someone every day

Above is a moto, “Undersea” I warmed up a bit to melt any ice! Spring is starting to vibe it up out there!

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